Here at High Praises Church we put a HUGE value on leadership. We believe that everything rises and falls on leadership. There are certain things that we have built into our leadership culture here and I thought I might share them this morning. These are our 3 C's of leadership and theses are the attributes that we look for when considering a new leader in a respective ministry.
1. Character- We believe this is the most important attribute of a leader. You can have all the talent in the world, be the best speaker, organizer, singer, counselor, etc. But if you have a character flaw you will never be a successful and long term leader. Your integrity and your character is all you really have and once you are willing to compromise that, you have begun a dangerous slope.
2. Competence- Do you have the talent and the ability to perform your job? I know it sounds simple but especially in ministry people get thrown into a certain area that they really aren't qualified to be in. Then it isn't long before they are discouraged and burnt out. If you don't have a heart for students, then why work in a youth ministry? If you cant sing, then stay in your seat and make a joyful noise unto the Lord, but don't try and sing on the praise team. But really its hard to fault people because we get so passionate about God and working for Him that we are willing to do whatever. Thats where a good leader has to evaluate your competence. And find the best place for you to use the talents and abilities that God has given you.
3. Chemistry- Do you work well with the leadership all ready established? Unity is a high priority at HPC, as well as a high priority with God. Its ok to disagree but in the end we all understand that its not about us, its about the big picture. Its about God and people. Working at HPC or any other church isnt about finding your own vision, its about working as a team to fulfill and accomplish the vision that God has already given Pastor Chris. We support each other and if we ever have a disagreement we confront in private but support in public.
These are just some things that Ive learned in my years of doing ministry and i hope they can help you in some way.
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