Thursday, March 17, 2011


I love the Matrix movies. I wish there was more coming out. If you haven't seen them then the main theme of the movie is that the world that we are living in is not real. It is a computer program designed to keep us contained and controlled. The main character Neo is chosen to be the "one" and is rescued from the matrix into the real world to eventually save those that are still plugged into the matrix. They call it being unplugged. I would recommend the movies but that term "unplugged" got me thinking about today's culture.

We are so plugged in. We are connected all the time. Whether it be through our smart phones, facebook, twitter, blog, myspace (i know...but some people do still use it), youtube, google, email, etc....we are always connected and always plugged in. We cant get away from it....I mean do we really have to check our FB statuses every 2 minutes??? Has that much really changed? We even get FB alerts on our phones now so that when we are away from the computer we can still know what is going on!?! It is crazy and i believe that it is getting out of control. And I'm not talking about other people...I'm talking about myself. If I cant have a conversation with some one with out looking at my FB on my phone then something is wrong. If i leave my cell phone at the house and freak out then something is wrong. We were not created to be plugged in all the time.

I believe that social networking as become some peoples god. It is what consumes them and drives them. And that is when it has really become a problem. I'm not against social networks....i love has allowed me to connect with people that i never see. But we have to have time away. FB cant take the place of real relationships, time with our families, time with God, time for peace and quiet and rest. You should never have an important conversation with someone you love over needs to be done in person.

So i have decided to always make time to become unplugged.

So.....if i don't answer your call right away please forgive me.

If i don't answer that text the exact moment i get it...I'm sorry

If i don't answer that FB message right bad

I will eventually get back to you i promise...and if its really important, ill call you right back.....but i need time to be with my God, family, friends, and person, not on a screen.

I would encourage you to do the same thing

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